RRC Polytech

EDUA-1001 Basic Computer Applications

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The purpose of this course is to increase fundamental knowledge and skills using a current Windows operating system. The course content includes an introduction to Microsoft Office 365, including Outlook, Word and PowerPoint applications. Being able to competently use basic computer technology should enable you to assist teachers and support students more effectively.

Course Details

Certificate or Diploma

Credit Hours


Instructor Date Tuition
J. Epps Aug. 01 2024 - Sep. 30 2024 $229.00
K. Young Sep. 01 2024 - Oct. 31 2024 $235.00
K. Young Oct. 01 2024 - Nov. 30 2024 $235.00
K. Young Nov. 01 2024 - Dec. 31 2024 $235.00
K. Young Dec. 01 2024 - Jan. 31 2025 $235.00