UW Professional Applied & Con Ed

DPS-60200 Indigenous Insights

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As Canada continues to acknowledge the place of Indigenous Peoples within this country, this training will help build an understanding that goes beyond the headlines and examines the truth for Indigenous people today. When we understand our shared history more completely, we better understand each other. Indigenous Insights clarifies commonly held misconceptions about the Indigenous Peoples of Canada providing an overview of Indigenous Peoples' history, cultures, and relationship with Canada. Through interviews with Indigenous experts across Canada, participants will be guided through a journey of reconciliation.

Course Details


Course Hours


Instructor Date Tuition
To be Announced Jul. 31 2024 - Jul. 31 2024 $105.00
To be Announced Aug. 14 2024 - Aug. 14 2024 $105.00
To be Announced Aug. 21 2024 - Aug. 21 2024 $105.00
To be Announced Aug. 29 2024 - Aug. 29 2024 $105.00
To be Announced Sep. 06 2024 - Sep. 06 2024 $105.00
To be Announced Sep. 11 2024 - Sep. 11 2024 $105.00
To be Announced Sep. 23 2024 - Sep. 23 2024 $105.00
To be Announced Oct. 11 2024 - Oct. 11 2024 $105.00
To be Announced Oct. 18 2024 - Oct. 18 2024 $105.00
To be Announced Nov. 08 2024 - Nov. 08 2024 $105.00
To be Announced Nov. 28 2024 - Nov. 28 2024 $105.00
To be Announced Dec. 06 2024 - Dec. 06 2024 $105.00
To be Announced Dec. 19 2024 - Dec. 19 2024 $105.00
To be Announced Dec. 20 2024 - Dec. 20 2024 $105.00
To be Announced Jan. 17 2025 - Jan. 17 2025 $105.00
To be Announced Feb. 21 2025 - Feb. 21 2025 $105.00
To be Announced Apr. 04 2025 - Apr. 04 2025 $105.00