RRC Polytech

MUME-1153 Graphic Communications 1

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Develop proficiency in basic design skills and your knowledge of design concepts used by the graphic design industry.  Learn and practice basic design concepts and their application, composition, illustration, drawing, publication design and layout plus pre-press production theory.  Students will be introduced to electronic publishing using industry standard software applications.

Course Details

Certificate or Diploma

Credit Hours


Instructor Date Tuition
W. Alejandro-Yarema Aug. 01 2024 - Oct. 31 2024 $495.00
W. Alejandro-Yarema Sep. 01 2024 - Nov. 30 2024 $509.00
W. Alejandro-Yarema Oct. 01 2024 - Dec. 31 2024 $509.00
W. Alejandro-Yarema Nov. 01 2024 - Jan. 31 2025 $509.00
W. Alejandro-Yarema Dec. 01 2024 - Feb. 28 2025 $509.00