RRC Polytech

STAT-9007 Data Analysis in the Real World

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This course discusses data-driven decision making across a variety of sectors such as healthcare, education, and government. This course also offers recommendations for decision-making based on data analytics for each sector. The course will begin with an introduction of Big Data, then continue into a deeper dive on its implications within each sector.This course will take five hours to complete.  You have 90 days to complete the course.

Course Details

Certificate or Diploma

Credit Hours


Instructor Date Tuition
Aug. 06 2024 - Nov. 04 2024 $109.00
Sep. 03 2024 - Dec. 02 2024 $109.00
Oct. 01 2024 - Jan. 06 2025 $109.00
Nov. 05 2024 - Feb. 03 2025 $109.00
Dec. 03 2024 - Mar. 03 2025 $109.00