RRC Polytech

BUSA-1059 Business Research Techniques

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This course looks at the quantitative research method. The learning outcomes of this course include providing hand-on experience in developing, implementing, and concluding a quantitative research project; clarifying ideas and developing hypotheses;  constructing valid and reliable measures for surveys; developing sampling strategies, learning about basis statistical methods, and interpreting the data and writing conclusions about the initial research questions or hypotheses.



Course Details

Certificate or Diploma

Credit Hours


Instructor Date Tuition
S. Banville Aug. 01 2024 - Oct. 31 2024 $589.00
S. Banville Sep. 01 2024 - Nov. 30 2024 $605.00
S. Banville Oct. 01 2024 - Dec. 31 2024 $605.00
S. Banville Nov. 01 2024 - Jan. 31 2025 $605.00